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Trucker's Journal

I've been a trucker since November, 2004. Before that I was an accountant for many years. I'm having fun and actually making more than I did before. Go figure....

Location: Midwest, United States

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Sirius radio

I took the plunge and spent $99 (with $50 mail-in rebate, which I *must* send in soon, net cost $49) for a Sirius radio for the truck. Yes, it's a subscription service costing $12.95 each month, but I figure I'm in the truck 24/7 for 7 of every 8 days, and I need reliable entertainment and news programs. There are lots of channels I don't like and will never listen to, but there are still some I haven't sampled yet. So far I've not strayed far from the news and talk with the occasional foray into music. Channel 10 is "The Bridge" and is light (as opposed to heavy metal) music of my generation including Jimmy Buffet, James Taylor, The Eagles, etc. There are classical, blues, jazz, etc., also, and I'll get there eventually. I did listen to the trucker's channel (138) and got into a talk show where they were berating "some crackpot who doesn't like our President" and said "he actually believes our government would hide information from us about 11-Sep-01 and other things", both comments which turned me off. I might sample it again, but will be on the lookout for stuff that doesn't agree with my worldview such as that.

Yes, I've spilled the beans, I'm a Democrat and a Liberal. I'm avoiding the "right" (as in right and left, not right and wrong) talk channels and concentrating on Air America, NPR, etc. For news, it's NPR, PRI, BBC, etc. Fox News (motto: "We distort, er, report, you decide") has an audio channel on there, but it was the first experiment I performed on blocking a channel so I won't accidentally tune it.

If you have Sirius or the rival, XM, let me know how you like it and what your favorites are. Channel listing http://sirius.com/pdf/channelguide.pdf and you must have the Adobe reader to view it.


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